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vBulletin add-on for making Private Message as archived / unarchived v1.1

Hello to all,

 I developed v1.1 for my previous post vBulletin add-on for making Private Message as archived / unarchived

vBulletin add-on for making Private Message as archived / unarchived

Hello to all,

vBulletin is a forum software that allows users to send Private Messages (PMs) to each other. One of my client used this vBulletin Forum. He wants an addon that will show a list of all the PMs in the DB and if you click one, it should show the contents of the PM. This will run in the administrator control panel, so only the admins can use this add-on.

If admin feels the message is spam, he can select the PM and click an "archive" button and it will copy the message out of the live PM tables to some backup tables, so the message won't get delivered to site member.

Later on, if admin decided that the message is NOT spam, there will be an "un-archive" button to remove it from the backup tables and put it back into the live PM tables.

To achieve this I developed an add-on, which will help admin to make PM's archived or unarchived.

click here to get the code.. unzip and follow the instructions...

Installtion Instructions:

1. Upload the below two files in specified path below.


2. Import the forum.sql file from PhpMyAdmin

Creat a full Installation Package of your developed site in Joomla

Hello to all Joomla! fans,

If you have developed a template or custom component for Joomla, you can provide with a custom Joomla installation package that includes your demo setup to your clients by following the below steps.
  • Create a separate copy to your developed site's folders and files.
  • Very Important: Remove the "configuration.php" file.
  • Go to Joomla.org, Download and save the standard Joomla installation package for the version you are using to develop the site.
  • Extract the standard Joomla installation package and/or Save the "installation" folder to your developed Site copy folder.
  • Go to phpMyAdmin and Export a copy of the database with Structure, Data and Drop Table options.
  • Save file the sql file to your developed site copy folder as "\installation\sql\mysql\developed_site_folder_name.sql"
  • Select all folders and files of the developed site copy folder and zip those.
  • Now your installation file is complete.
  • You can gave that zip file to your clients.
  • They can install your site as Standard Joomla Installation
Hope this helps Joomla Fans like me :)

Show Categories & Sub-Categories in a tree format

This post will explain how to show categories and sub-categories in a tree format in a directory.

We need to create a table called `categories` and the table Fields:
" id ", this should be a int(11), primary, and auto-increment.
" name ", this should be varchar(255) [ Name of the category ]
" parentid ", this should be int(11), [ " id " of the Parent category, if this is a sub-category, If  " parentid " is 0, that means the category is a top-level category ]

Code for display Categories Dropdown:
$connection = mysql_connect('localhost', 'root', '');
if (!$connection) {
   die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());

$db = mysql_select_db ('test1', $connection);
$sql = "SELECT * from categories order by name ASC";
$cats = mysql_query($sql) or die("Could not select category");

echo "<select name="category">";
recall (0,0,$cats);
echo "</select><br>";

Function recall() is the actual function that is going to generate the tree structure for our categories and sub-categories. We initially pass it values of 0,0,and $cats for its root, depth, and the actual query data. We pass is 0 and 0 for root and depth because initially we want to start from top level directories.

How to Create a Joomla! Plugin


Joomla! plugins serve a variety of purposes.  As modules enhance the presentation of the final output of the Web site, plugins enhance the data and can also provide additional, installable functionality.
This tutorial looks at the general principles used to design and build a plugin.

Plugin Types

While the number of possible types of plugins is almost limitless, there are a number of core plugin types that are used by Joomla!.  These core types are grouped into directories under /plugins/.  They are:
  • authentication
  • content
  • editors
  • editors-xtd
  • search
  • system
  • user
  • xmlrpc
Authentication plugins allow you to authenticate (to allow you to login) against different sources.  By default you will authenticate against the Joomla! user database when you try to login.  However, there are other methods available such as by OpenID, by a Google account, LDAP, and many others.  Wherever a source has a public API, you can write an authentication plugin to verify the login credentials against this source.  For example, you could write a plugin to authenticate against Twitter accounts because they have a public API.

Content plugins modify and add features to displayed content.  For example, content plugins can cloak email address or can convert URL's into SEF format.  Content plugins can also look for markers in content and replace them with other text or HTML.  For example, the Load Module plugin will take {*loadmodule banner1*} (you would remove the *'s in practice.  They are included to actually prevent the plugin from working in this article), load all the modules in the banner1 position and replace the marker with that output.

Editor plugins allow you to add new content editors (usually WYSIYWG).

Editor-XTD (extended) plugins allow you to add additional buttons to the editors.  For example, the Image, Pagebreak and Read more buttons below the default editor are actually plugins.

Search plugins allow you to search different content from different components.  For example, search plugins for Articles, Contacts and Weblinks are already provided in Joomla!.

System plugins allow you to perform actions at various points in the execution of the PHP code that runs a Joomla! Web site.

User plugins allow you to perform actions at different times with respect to users.  Such times include logging in and out and also saving a user.  User plugins are typically user to "bridge" between web applications (such as creating a Joomla! to phpBB bridge).

XML-RPC plugins allow you to provide additional XML-RPC web services for your site.  When your Web site exposes web services, it gives you the ability to interact remotely, possibly from a desktop application.  Web services are a fairly advanced topic and will not be covered in much detail here.

Advanced Module Manager

Advanced Module Manager is an extension that changes the way your Module manager works. It adds a few functions. With Advanced Module Manager you have extra options and functionalities to control your modules.
  • See what modules are active for the menu item you are editing
  • Edit modules in modal popup windows
  • Option to not show modules that have no output (handy for things like dynamic menus)
  • Option to show modules on all pages except the selected menu items (reverse functionality of normal selection)
  • Many other publishing limits for your modules! You can limit by (AND/OR):

    • Menu Item
    • Sections / Categories
    • K2 Categories (NEW)
    • Articles
    • Components
    • URL (NEW)
    • Date
    • User Group Levels
    • Users (NEW)
    • Languages
    • Templates
    • PHP evaluation (NEW)
  • You can also choose to mirror the assignment settings of another module!   

Changing a Login Menu Link to Logout

I have seen the question: "How do I change my Login menu link to read Logout?" asked number of times and in various ways in forums and on blogs.

If you use the User > Login > Default Login Layout (Figure 1) link in any of your Joomla menus, you've probably noticed a couple of limitations associated with it. One limitation is that the name of the link doesn't change, or rather, there is not an option to change the text for users who have successfully logged into the site.

Figure 1

Well, there is a relatively simple solution using a third party extension called MetaMod. Follow the below steps :

What is a Widget ?

A web widget is a portable chunk of code that can be installed and executed within any separate HTML-based web page by an end user without requiring additional compilation. They are akin to plugins or extensions in desktop applications.

Other terms used to describe a Web Widget include Gadget, Badge, Module, Capsule, Snippet, Mini and Flake. Web Widgets often but not always use Adobe Flash or JavaScript programming languages.

Joomla has one Drawback ! So how to avoid ?

Joomla has one drawback, any web user can easily know the site is created in Joomla! by typing the URL to access the administration area (i.e. www.site name.com/administration). This makes hackers hack the site easily once they crack id and password for Joomla!.

So to avoid this I suggest that use jSecure Plugin.

This jSecure Authentication plugin prevents access to administration (back end) login page without appropriate access key.

How to Install Joomla! 1.5

Chris Davenport, the documentation Team Leader for Joomla!, announced the release of the Joomla! Installation Manual.

Thanks for developing this manual.

Great work!

Explanation on Joomla Components, Modules and Plugins

Joomla is a fantastic piece of software and once you know how to use it, it's very user friendly. Certainly Joomla 1.5 has taken a huge step forward in usability. But for someone new, certainly for someone who never used a CMS before, it can be quit overwhelming in the beginning. We all had the same feeling the first time we installed Joomla: where do I start? Well a good start of course is to learn the basics. So if you are already familiar with Joomla, you can stop reading now (really!). In this article I'll explain the difference between the 3 types of extensions for Joomla: components, modules and plugins.

Installing WAMP on Windows ...

Are you not a Linux fan and Looking for a free way of setting up a PHP environment on your Window? Read this how to installing Apache, MySQL and PHP on a Windows based machine, also known as WAMP.

What is Apache ?

Apache is our web server. It’s free, reliable and well supported for PHP. It is basically serves web pages from the server to the client browser. For every page you see when connecting to the internet, somewhere there is a network server sending it to you. The pages are usually sent in html format, along with images and other media.

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